
Hi, my name is Jessie(Jie Xu) and I am a Junior at University of Oregon. My major is BA with the concentration on finance, also I am minoring in economics at LCB. In addition, I plan to study abroad to Japan for the next spring term and I am also planning to graduate in June of 2015.

I am an international student from China. To be exactly, my hometown is in the middle part of China, and I usually introduce my hometown as the original place of Kongfu. However, I am not a big fun of Kongfu. In high school I was a student leader and hold many interesting and meaningful activities. While attending U of O, I have been involved in many volunteer activities. Overall, I think I am a hardworking student with a kind heart.

In my spare time, I love reading and jogging very much! And I can keep jogging for more than 2 hours every day. As far as career goals, I plan to continue studying Finance for my graduate degree. To be more specific, I might focus on the Asian Finance Study for the further more career. My goal for the future is to be a banker or analyst  working in the Asian area.

This Eportfolio represents the progress and reflections on leadership skills from BA352. Those reflections will be about the following aspects:

1. Understanding and managing self

2. Understanding and working with others

3. Effective Professional Communication

4. Understanding of effective leadership models


I hope this Eportfolio will help you have a brief idea about my what kind of person I am and what progress I hope to get from BA352. I am ready to receiving the leadership skills in those 2 months! Let’s start the adventure! Go LCB Ducks!







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