Week 5 Self-evaluation

This has been a big time-consuming week for our Majestic Mallard group. On monday we did our presentation and on Thursday and Friday we meet together to work on our First draft. At first, I was the one prepared for the Monday presentation. However, since i removed out my wisdom tooth last Friday and I was having a very bad time until Monday, my group member said that they would help me out. So, one of my group member took my part of the presentation, which made me feel so touching! Overall, we really did a great job on monday! In addition, I found that after the presentation, our minds became more clear and we made a further step to our proposal.

For the workload, our team has been very balance in terms of it. I am not the role of the main leader, but I have contributed to team well. Usually, I will bring up me ideas and suggestions to the team. I am not very effective at talking at the meeting in the class time. However, I will be well-prepared before every outside meetings. For example, before every meeting, I will do a lot of searching works or interviews. Then, I will organize the information I have gotten and be prepared to share my information to the group. I am very appreciate that everyone in my group is trying to contribute themselves to the group. So far, every meeting goes very effective. Every meeting lasts not a very long time but we finish the meeting with sufficient and wonderful works. From the group, I really learn a lot about teamwork. I learn how to separate the different roles of a team, how to run a group meeting effectively and how to listen to other people’s opinions properly. Again, even though I am not the leader in my group, I gain a lot useful experience on leadership. In regard to my leadership development plan, I find that I feel more comfortable to share my opinion among all my classmates. That is definitely a big progress of me. For the following weeks, I will practice myself more on public speaking areas.



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