Week 3 Expression does matter!

This week I learned a lot about how to develop the need statements. During the classes, we continue to brainstorm the needs that are required for the students. However, the need statements we wrote were actually the solutions to the problems. Then, we started not thinking about the solutions and just focusing on the actual needs. Our topic is about the international enrichment and I am the only international student in my group. Therefore, my group members hoped the I could give as much ideas as I can to this topic. However, sometimes it was difficult to organize my thoughts because I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. Then I had no clue about where to begin. So I think that I had always been overthinking and not been able to organize my thoughts are my biggest problem. Fortunately,  my group members really helped me a lot on that. They tried to help me organize the ideas and then develop the ideas.

For my group, we decide to meet every friday at EMU and we are really effective. Before the meeting, everyone is well prepared and focused. From this week, I find that I still need more efforts to express myself clearly. Therefore, my goal for the next week is to organize my thoughts before I am ready to express it. I will update my progress in next weekly blog post.

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