Cemetery Layouts
Before Jews had their own burial grounds, they were buried in Christian and municipal cemeteries and their bodies were often relegated to a specific Jewish section.1 Within Jewish cemeteries, more traditional Jews separated the plots by gender with a men’s side and a women’s side.2 The Jewish community also reserved the outskirts of the cemeteries for second-class citizens based on class, race, cause of death (i.e. if they committed suicide). For example, there was a lot of miscegenation between Sephardim and African slaves in Jodensavanne, Suriname, so the mixed-race Jewish population was buried on the outskirts of the cemetery to reflect their inferior class status until the turn of the 19th century.3 Similarly, the Zwi Migdal cemetery in Avellaneda, Argentina reserved the outskirts for the poorest prostitutes, demonstrating how economic class was still ranked within those who were already societal outcasts. To this day, Jewish cemeteries in Brazil and other countries still separate plots for prostitutes from the other graves. Using the same logic, Jews also often reserve a special section of plots in cemeteries for the rabbis.
Sephardic cemetery in Cassipora, Suriname depicting the separate areas reserved for different classes of people4
Aerial view with dates (1659, 1750, & 1800) indicating how the Sephardic Beth Heim Cemetery was also categorized based on the decade of the burial (Willemstad, Curaçao) [Image courtesy of Google]
Originally, Jewish cemeteries did not commonly feature statues, and they only appeared in Sephardic and Ashkenazi cemeteries in Paramaribo, Suriname in the late 19th century as Jews began to embrace more of the Latin American culture.5 Unlike Christian cemeteries in Latin America, however, Jewish cemeteries did not feature sultry statues of men or women. Sexually suggestive statues are used in Christian burial grounds to instill the image of death with life, but interestingly, there are no symbols of mourners of any kind in Suriname’s Jewish cemeteries.6 In modern times, statues are much more common in Jewish cemeteries. Unsurprisingly, they also appear with more contemporary designs, as demonstrated in Cemitério Israelita de La Tablada and Cemitério Comunal Israelita de Rio de Janeiro. While some Jewish communities are becoming more flexible about statues, most still abide by the Jewish custom to leave cemeteries as simple as possible. Jewish culture views simplicity as a sign of respect for the dead by not letting frivolous ostentation pull focus from the burial and mourning. As such, flowers and ornate coffins are very rare and frowned upon in traditional Jewish cemeteries in Latin America to this day.
Example of contemporary statue in La Tablada Cemetery (Buenos Aires, Argentina) [Image courtesy of Yelp]
Jewish Latin American cemeteries occasionally feature stelae, which are upright slabs of stone that act as grave markers.7 They typically feature epitaphs and iconography. Several were recorded in Paramaribo cemeteries, but most people could not afford them.
Works Cited
- Brodsky, Adriana. “Burying The Dead: Cemeteries, Walls, and Jewish Identity in Early Twentieth-Century Argentina.” In Sephardi, Jewish, Argentine: Community and National Identity, 1880-1960, 31. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2016.
- Jai, Redacción. “Se Podrá Visitar El Cementerio De La Zwi Migdal.” Radio JAI. Accessed March 11, 2020. https://www.radiojai.com/index.php/2019/10/18/3685/se-podra-visitar-el-cementerio-de-la-zwi-migdal/.
- Adriana Brodsky. “Burying The Dead,” 36.
- “Turismojudaico.com.” turismojudaico.com. Accessed March 11, 2020. http://en.turismojudaico.com/contenido/260/Casipora-cemetery.
- Ben-Ur, Aviva. “Still Life: Sephardi, Ashkenazi, and West African Art and Form in Suriname’s Jewish Cemeteries.” American Jewish History, vol. 92, no. 1, 2004, pp. 50.
- Ibid, 62.
- Ibid, 54-66.
- Dorot Jewish Division, The New York Public Library. “The stelae and ruins at Sârabít el Khâdim. The latest of these stelae date from Ramese IV, of the twentieth century.” New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 25, 2020. http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47d9-5fa4-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
- Croft, Richard. “Funeral Bier.” Geograph Britain and Ireland. Accessed March 11, 2020. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4355260.