By: Jenae Nichols
School Garden Project is local nonprofit in the Eugene/Springfield area. School Garden Project provides gardens at different elementary schools as well as garden educators. Volunteers and educators help elementary students learn about sustainability and the basics of gardening to ensure a healthy lifestyle and future.
Every Friday morning fourth graders at Bertha Holt Elementary are given the opportunity to learn how to incorporate science and gardening skills into their every day lives. The local nonprofit School Garden Project provides Bertha Holt with the onsite garden and garden recourses. Funding from outside donors and special events keep the nonprofit thriving.
SK Gaskell is the garden educator for Bertha Holt Elementary. She is teaching Miss Wolfe’s fourth grade class how to properly use a trowel while gardening. SK has been working with School Garden Project for almost a year and takes pride in educating students about garden tactics and healthy living.
On October 27th SK Gaskell plants baby mustard in Bertha Holt’s garden. The plant can sustain the cold winter months and SK educated the students on the proper care. SK is shows the fourth graders how simple and fun planting your own food is.
The students in Miss Wolfe’s fourth grade class are eager to plant spinach seeds. SK educates the class on being respectful to the seeds and how to correctly plant the seeds. Each student patiently waits their turn as they gently cup their hands together.
A fourth grade student approaches SK to receive her baby mustard plant. Students are only given the plant once they can tell SK how to properly treat the plant and correctly plant it. This ensures no mistakes are made and the students are truly learning.