Creative Spirituality Reflection

1. For me to define spirituality, I had to do a little investigation into how others have defined the word. After some investigation I found a humorous video that describes some stereotypes that people have given to spirituality and its relationship against religion. Here is the video, . The video talks a lot about how spirituality is very artificial and changes people to think a certain way and act a certain way. For me, spirituality is an experience that brings forth a deeper thinking that comes from our true selves.

2. I believe that spirituality is different from religion, but that spirituality can be influenced by religion. Religion often requires using ones spirituality to comprehend a higher being or not and even though religion may require a sense of one’s spirituality, the two ideas are definitely different from each other. Religion to me is something that provides people with a greater purpose and is a full belief in something while spirituality is the discovery into those thoughts. Spirituality is a very unique experience and can definitely help in aiding religion.

3. Creativity is defined by many, including A. Grey in “The Mission of Art” as a process including “formulation, saturation, incubation, inspiration, translation, and integration” (Grey 6). This definition of creativity includes the use of one’s conscious for inspiration behind something. For me, I take this definition but would also add the fact that creativity also includes an inspiration from something inside ones self and a spark from previous beliefs. This is where I believe that spirituality and creativity are also connected.

4. I believe the source of creativity to be partially from spirituality, and partially from previous beliefs and experiences. Spirituality allows for deep and alternative thinking, which can in turn spark the creative process by allowing for new ideas. Creativity can also be sparked by previous beliefs and experiences by this influence being thought of in a different way than before, which can also lead to new ideas. Spirituality can help lead to creativity and can ultimately be beneficial in personal development and the development of new ideas.

Spears, J. (2014, October 5). How to be Ultra Spiritual (funny) – with JP Sears. Retrieved February 19, 2015, from

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