Week 8_Summer Hatfield

There was something about the PostSecret website that I really loved, and I just couldn’t quit looking through the content. There is something so intriguing about seeing these little artifacts, the way they are written, what they are written on, and what they say that reveals so much about somebody, and yet at the same […]

Week 1: Lindsey Newkirk response to readings and videos

One of the themes that stood out to me and piqued my interest in the Transmedia hangout discussion and the Precious Places work is the question of staying power; how to engage with the audience so that you activate a call to action or keep them involved in an issue after the delivery of the […]

Week 1 – Jarratt Taylor

I’m am probably a more active participant in the transmedia landscape than I know, but I still feel that I am really wrapping my head around what that landscape looks like. I am probably looking at it right now and yet I feel like I am having a hard time seeing it. I imagine there […]

Week 1: Jamie (Schaub) Bourcier


My name is Jamie (Schaub) Bourcier (boo-see-aye -don’t worry, the last name is new to me, too. I’m recently married and took his name), and I am in the Strategic Communications master’s program. I am very, very excited to be here, to really BE HERE. I graduated from college way back in 1997 and […]

Week1: Grace Roxas Morrissey

Hello all! I love the rock star reference of my last name but always still use my maiden name (Roxas) because that has been my byline for the 15 years or so that I’ve worked as a magazine, book and public relations writer.

The enterprise of engaging an audience has certainly become a lot more […]

Week 1: Brett Harmon

My name is Brett Harmon, I am an eight year veteran of the radio industry working as a sports journalist in Phoenix, Arizona. I took an interest into the emerging digital media back in 2007 when I realized that social media, Twitter predominantly, was going to be the future of spreading breaking news and information […]