Term Project Link up for Review: Group 2, Prison Divestment


Here is a link to our prison divestment site:


Some notes:

1) We are going to redirect the current wordpress to this.

2) They are buying the domain name “pdxdivest” –but haven’t bought it yet. Any more descriptive suggestions? some folks thought it wasn’t clear enough…

3) The “stories” page has image placeholders. An email to local campaign partners went out last night asking for short written testimonies on how prison divestment affects their lives.  People will be speaking to it from their organizational “angle” and we will have photos of the actual folks up there.  Those will be up within the week.

4) We will be hyperlinking within the “Why Divest” explanations to allow people to read more about the statements.

Enjoy! All feedback is welcome –both aesthetic and content wise.  We’re specifically interested in:

1) Where does your eye go first on the front page?

2) What were you not convinced by?

3) What do you have unanswered questions about?

Thanks for all your help!

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