Profile Outline
Lead: Explaining the typical coffee consumption and a specific time when she drank excessive amounts of coffee to stay awake for studying.
Nutgraf: Talk about the national consumption rate of coffee drinking (roughly 80% of adults). Discuss the growing trend of coffee shops on campuses and how students are becoming more and more familiar with drinking excessive amounts of coffee. The trend is evident from studies in college freshmen.
Transition: A quote from my subject about when she first realize she drank a lot of coffee.
Physical Description: Her hair, manor, the way she speaks, and what she’s wearing.
Body: Express the consumption here. How she began drinking coffee. What she loves about it. Has she had withdrawals?
Second Source: Someone that deals with addiction. Compare addiction to drug related use.
Anecdote or story: Begin to describe a new instance with coffee drinking.
Ender: When is the next time you’ll drink coffee?