Eugene City Hospital Radio Spot

Randall Adler


October 30, 2017

PSA #1 – Learning CPR Can Save Lives


(sfx: Background noise of kids playing soccer)


MOM: (proudly screaming to son)                 Keep it up, Tommy! You’re doing great!



GRANDMA: (sounding ill)                           Awe, Tommy is doing so well out there. I wish I could stay longer, but I have a think I need to go. I feel pretty nauseas, and my asthma must be getting to me because I can hardly breath.


MOM: (sympathetically)                                 I’m sorry you’re not feeling better, mom. You should go get some rest. Text me so I know you get home safely. Tommy will understand.


(sfx: Background noise of kids playing soccer still going)


(sfx: The sound of Grandma falling over)


MOM: (frantically):                                        Mom, are you okay? Mom?


(sfx: People begin to swarm and panic)


MAN (PAUL): (shouting in the distance)      Give her some air!


TOMMY: (young boy, breathing heavily,      Grandma! Mom, what’s happening to her?

and in tears)


(sfx: People talking over eachother. Multiple people saying to call 911)


PAUL: (now nearby, frantically)                    She’s having a heart attack! I’ve called an ambulance. Now, everyone step back! I know CPR!


(sfx: Paul starting to count compressions)


SFX: The sound then fades to a heart monitor.


MOM: (graciously)                                         I can’t thank you enough for saving my mom’s life.


PAUL: (convincingly)                                    I was happy to. I work here at Eugene City Hospital and they train us for situations like this. But you should keep in mind that there won’t always be a stranger that can help. You should consider learning CPR.


MOM: (like her life depends on it)                 Absolutely, where can I do that?


PAUL: (proudly)                                            I’m glad you asked. We’re hosting a free training event at Alton Baker Park in just a few days. You should pre-register!


MOM: (again, graciously)                              Thanks, I’ll do that right now.


(sfx: heart monitor fades to soft/therapeutic tonal music)


ANNOUNCER: (serious)                              Hi, I’m Ryan Reynolds. Years ago, I saw my nephew collapse due to an ongoing heart condition. I sprung in to action and saved his life using CPR. Now’s your opportunity to learn how to do the same. On Saturday, November 4 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., rain or shine, Eugene City Hospital and the Lane County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be celebrating CPR and First Aid Awareness Day by hosting a free, certified, CPR and first aid training at Alton Baker Park. For one day only, you too can take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to save lives. Pre-registration by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 3 is requested. For more information, or to pre-register, please visit us at, or contact us by phone at (541) 485-1234.




*This Public Service Announcement was a class project in the Fall of 2017*