About Me: Ashmere Prasad

Hello to all students,

For my final project in one of my Journalism courses this summer (J333 writing for multimedia), I chose to create a blog reflecting on some of the fun locations I’ve visited and memories I’ve made during the summers I spent in Oregon.  Oregon is an overlooked state in my opinion; there are so many natural treasures ready to be discovered.


A little bit about myself: I am a senior graduating from the University of Oregon in the Fall of 2015, I love anything related to sports (especially football), my favorite color is purple and I cannot go a day without eating something made of chocolate. I am interested in pursuing a career in broadcast media, whether it be written, television or radio; a fast-paced environment filled with communication is what I am passionate about.

Typically, I am not the adventurous type. I’m from the Bay Area, California, and usually choose to enjoy my summer laying in the grass, catching some rays and reading an interesting book. My friends on the other hand love to explore, and always dragged me along with them to some of the most interesting locations I have seen. Oregonians love to explore, and why wouldn’t they? Their state is filled with waterfalls, hikes and other beautiful natural wonders.

So please click through, check out the locations, comment and enjoy!

Each link is categorized by proximity, and I have provided a interactive map to give you an idea on how far each place is from Eugene.

Feel free to contact me at ashmere@uoregon.edu.