Literary Letter



“My dearest, future daughter,

While you are not in my life now, I have complete faith that you will one day be.

If you are truly to be your mother’s daughter, then I know that you will go through life in many of the ways that I have.

You are going to have doubts, fears, anxious thoughts, days of sadness, and more mistakes than you can possibly imagine.

But with each time you find yourself frustrated, and as though you are merely troubleshooting through life, remember these words:

sometimes we have the tendency to choose exactly what is worst for us, but you owe it to yourself to find happiness.

Enjoy the little things in life.

Do more than just exist.

Train your mind to see the good in everything.

Dream as big as can be.

Eat the cookie, for god’s sake.

Do not forget to laugh at yourself.

Make art, and make a lot of it.

Dress up.

Blast the music and sing along.

Remember to breathe.

Forgive them even if they are not sorry.

But most of all, forgive yourself.

And when you find yourself stumbling and tripping through life, yell plot twist and move on, and know that if you are truly your mother’s daughter, then everything will be okay in the end.”






Proposal: Multimedia Character Study

STORY PITCH 1: Metal smith and Jewelry Maker, Linnea Haas

SUBJECT: I want to write and document a story about an artist at the University of Oregon. She has been known for her interesting, exquisite art pieces. Linnea does a variety of artwork—from painting, to fibers, to jewelry—however, I want to focus on her jewelry making.

THEME: The underlying theme would be on the inner strength and technique that becoming an artist in this world takes—and the steps this student takes before coming into the real world after graduating. I would like to showcase the skill work and the patience that comes into metal smithing and jewelry making.

ANGLE: I plan to focus on Linnea preparing for her jewelry showcase—that occurs at the end of this term. I want to capture her starting from scratch to design and create this jewelry that will be shown off and sold. I will share her artistic skill work and talent.

STORY: This story will be told through Linnea’s hands and the craft she makes. It will begin with the raw materials and soon evolve as she uses her metal smith and jewelry making skills to create pieces. I will show her inside the studio hard at work, as well as at the end of term showcase where her pieces will be displayed alongside other talented artists’ works.

WHAT KIND OF STORY: I hope for this to be a story more focused on art and culture than anything else—highlighting the skill and talents of artistry. It will showcase Linnea’s particular skills in metal smith and jewelry making.


1. Close up of Linnea’s hands. Why? I think that the hands of an artist are the most beautiful part about them. With those hands, they create masterpieces. I think it is important to show case Linnea’s hands as she is working on intricate metal and designs for her jewelry.

2. Inside the studio working on her designs. Why? It is necessary to see where the majority of the creating takes place. While she is known to do a lot of her work at home, most of the equipment needed is in the metal smith studio.

3. Taking a look at all of her previous work. Why? Every artist has a transformation of oneself and one’s art over time. It would be interesting to see some of Linnea’s past jewelry and art to see the transformation to the kinds she is making today.

4. Witnessing Linnea in everyday life. Why? There is not one particular thing that makes a person who they are. Linnea is not only a jewelry maker; she has other hobbies and interests that play a huge role into why she is such a good artist. For example, her compassion towards her pet cat, her passion for the fashion industry, and her love of cooking all help the personality necessary for an artist.

5. At the jewelry showcase. Why? This will tie the entire piece together when the artist will be able to share what they have been working on, and sell some of the designs to the public.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: To create this multimedia production, I will need a video camera, camera, microphone, audio recorder, and tri-pod.

SOURCES: The main source will be Linnea, the artist. If possible, I would like to talk to one of her advisors or teachers who have worked alongside Linnea and see her talent and potential in the art world.

MARKET: The target audience will be those interested in the art and fashion world. People who appreciate this style will enjoy this story most of all.

QUALIFICATIONS: I am extremely interested in the art world. If I had not come to Oregon to pursue graphic design and advertising, I would have gone to art school. While I have never been too interested in creating jewelry myself, that style of art is fascinating to me—especially with how important of a role it plays in fashion and style. I know that I would be able to showcase this artist’s work, as well as them as an artist, in a professional, artistic manner.

PROBLEMS: Some problems could arise from this production. Linnea is extremely busy, and the majority of the times she works on her designs is late at night. I worry that the lighting might be difficult to work with. Also, I have heard that she might be hesitant to really open up, which would be a challenge for me, and I would really need to work on my interviewing skills.


STORY PITCH 2: Educational Exploration’s Founder and Curriculum Director Barbara N. Miller and husband Billy Safier

SUBJECT: I want to write and document a story about a woman who founded Educational Explorations with her husband Billy Safier (a Certified Laughter Leader). I plan to focus on the importance of humor and laughter when teaching. Their company provides professional development to school districts—there are workshops, seminars, and courses to take part in.

THEME: The underlying theme would be the importance of exposing students to humor and reminding the teacher’s that even they need comic relief sometimes. Humor in the classroom is critical to creating a more comfortable atmosphere for all involved.

ANGLE: Keeping the storyline light and amusing, I plan to focus on the dedication Barbara and Billy have and constantly spend towards incorporating humor into education. Educational Explorations is aiming to provide strategies for student success, and humor is the strategy I will drive for.

STORY: I plan to tell this story by learning more about Educational Explorations and their emphasis on humor. Through interviewing the founders and those involved, as well as documenting and sitting in on workshops and seminars, I hope to fully understand the importance of humor in the classroom.

WHAT KIND OF STORY: I imagine this story to be lighthearted and real—humorous at times, but stressing the importance of education and the strategies that go into it. It will be in third person, because I would like to showcase the founders as much as possible, with less focus on myself.


1. Close ups on the silly and comical props Barbara and Billy use. Why? To draw the viewers in to see rubber chickens, googley-eyed glasses, and joke books as an introduction to the humorous tone of the entire story.

2. Show Barbara and Billy presenting and teaching in a seminar or workshop. Why? By becoming involved in the entire process of Educational Explorations, the viewer will begin to understand what the point of their company even is. Seeing the interaction between teacher and students and the use of humor in the curriculum, will strengthen the story as a whole.

3. Time spent in the Educational Explorations office. Why? Going back to where it starts, in the offices, hopefully able to capture the comfortable, lighthearted atmosphere of the company. See where the thinking and planning happens before they take it back to the seminars and workshops to teach and share with others.

4. Others who contribute to these teachings, as well as those who partake in the learning of these workshops and courses. Why? Find out what is important to those involved in this process. Discover the personalities, and the take-away, from those who participate in the courses.

5. A close up on the relationship between Barbara and Billy outside of the Educational Explorations. Why? They were high school sweethearts, therefore have known each other for a very long time. Their relationship and comfort level with one another plays into why they began this company and why they stress humor in the classroom.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: To create this multimedia production, I will need a video camera, camera, audio recorder, microphone, and tri-pod.

SOURCES: My main sources would be Barbara and Billy, the founders of Educational Explorations, as well as those who partake in the seminars and those who work alongside Barbara and Billy.

MARKET: Those interested in the education world and incorporating humor into the classroom would be interested in this story.

QUALIFICATIONS: I’m qualified to write this story, because I have some connections to the educational world. I interned with COSA (Confederation of Oregon School Administrators) during the summer and was introduced to this couple during that time. My mother is also a super intendant of a school district, so I am familiar with much of the way the educational world works. Also, I have a sense of humor and support much of their ideals in regards to the way teaching should occur.

PROBLEMS: The main problem I will face is that Barbara and Billy are unable to meet with me or accommodate to me wanting to write a story about them and their work. I have emailed them twice and have yet to hear back. Our schedules could possibly clash—or there could not be any more workshops or seminars this term.



I have spent the majority of my college career creating and producing—designs, video, and even photography. Writing was the only thing that was truly missing to fully strengthen my skills as a student of advertising and multimedia. This class was honestly not what I had expected. I assumed that writing skills would be more focused and detailed; but instead, we have been constantly producing pieces as we go to stress the importance that a complete project includes all aspects.

The material shown to us during class for inspiration really helps me grow and better understand the importance of writing in all areas of life. Without this class, I probably would not have learned how to write relevant photo captions and create a strong mini autobiography.

I appreciate the importance stressed on creating and crafting amazing things. Whether that is a photo essay, a multimedia topic video, or even a SWOT analysis, I find myself learning something new every day and overall bettering myself as a designer and a writer.

With that being said, there is still much more I hope to learn from this class. I would be interested in focusing more attention on the raw basics of writing. Something I struggle with is being faithful to my strong voice through my words, but also being sure to stay grammatically correct and professional. I am extremely absorbed in blogging—about music, designs, and anything else that inspires me. Because of this, I am interested in learning more of the elements and strategies to this style of multimedia writing. Also, I am hoping to strengthen my knowledge in the skills of scriptwriting and interviewing. These are both things that I feel extremely rusty and uneasy about.

I am anxious to strengthen my writing skills more with each project in this class.

Mini Autobiography


It is not every day that I get the chance to reflect on my own life. But as I look back, I see the growth and the joy that only greatens with every day, shaping me into the strong, creative, independent person that I pride myself in.

I find that people are shaped by memories, thoughts, and experiences. But through this, I notice that I am also moved by the strong passion I have, and always will have, for living. Even at an early age, I had this constant need to create something beautiful and lasting. Being the middle child, I often found myself feeling stuck and trapped between a sibling who exceeds in academics and one who excels in athletics; but through this, I was driven, inspired, and pushed to succeed and make a name for myself.

Living in a very stable, healthy home with a family who will do whatever they can to help you succeed, ultimately shapes who I am. I learned quickly to be appreciative of the natural beauty of the world around me and the people within my life. Even at a young age, those close to me took note of my strong desire to create and find good in all situations.

Music and art are the driving forces behind everything that I do. As a born and raised Oregonian, I find beauty in every rainy day, the falling of leaves, and the talented people who also call this place home. I am inspired by words and colors. My entire life I was constantly writing—poems, short stories, novels—but it was not until high school that I realized art was my calling card. As I began to win art contest after art contest, scholarship after scholarship, I started to morph these talents with the changing world around me. Putting aside the paintbrushes and pencils, I slowly began studying lines, colors, and type. Before long, I was finding myself wildly passionate about the world of design.

With this, I packed my bags and headed to Eugene, Oregon; track town USA and home of the Ducks. Cheering against my OSU Beaver’s family, I found myself active in all aspects of life here and really growing. As the current chapter of my life is coming to an end, I find myself ecstatic with the new adventures and experiences I am soon to make once I enter the real world. As long as I am creating something I am passionate about, and surrounded by beautiful people in an inspiring city, I know that I can only succeed.

When I am not a studying advertising student, I am an adventurer, a passionate music festival attendee, a book worm, a blogger, an involved sorority member, a movie junkie, and a lover of life.

To me, it is all about the little things in life.