Assignment Seven: Final Project Proposal

My proposal for my J333 Multimedia final project is going to be profiling a student comedian on campus. The Buzz Cafe hosts’ comedy nights that features students of the UO Stand-Up Society that perform comedy routines and do shows weekly throughout the term.

I would find a student comedian to find out their influences and topics they discuss, talk about how they prepare their routines and attend one of the comedy nights that would be great visually as they are on stage and film their set. I would also want to find out if they plan to continue a career in stand-up and/or why they decided to join the UO Stand-Up Society.

Five Major Scenes:

1. Student comedian on stage at the Buzz, get visuals at both the back of the room to get an idea of the size of the audience they are performing for and getting up close next to the stage.

2. Student comedian backstage and preparing to go on stage, if they have any nerves or are used to going on stage.

3. Film reactions of the crowd enjoying the set.

4. Since these are students, film them in their natural life, at home or going to class.

5. Get them after their set and ask how they felt their set went and what they could have done better.

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