Assignment Five: Self-Evaluation

Halfway through this term, J333 has been a little like Gateway, except with the ability to be able to choose my own subjects of interest. I haven’t learned that much of what I already was taught in Gateway, J333 has been a “reminder course” to me.

So far we have completed assignments such as an blog analysis, photo essay and a team video on a social issue.

What I would like to learn more in this class for the rest of the term is get re-introduced with Final Cut Pro and working with some video/audio software in class just to get the feeling back. I haven’t touched Final Cut Pro since Gateway ended two years ago.

I would also like to see more examples of work that is expected of us. For the photo essay we only saw two examples, and one example of a group video project, so I would like to see more to get an idea of what is expected of our projects rather than going in with no idea. That can also be said to show us more examples before the assignment is due, not the class afterward.


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