Field Trip to Southern Apennines

On June 13 we attended a one-day field trip with a group of Italian sedimentologists going by the name “GeoSed”, to view Cretaceous and Miocene sedimentary rocks exposed near the crest of the southern Apennine orogenic belt. It was a gorgeous sunny day, I learned a lot and the company was great! Charlie and Sergio struck some memorable poses (see below).  We saw a thick section of Cretaceous marine deposits that were overturned by strong back-thrusting and folding near the crest of the Apennine orogen, and wound up with overturned bedding dips of 30-40° to the NE. We ended the day on a walk through the quaint town of Pietrapertosa, just another gorgeous Italian hilltop ancient stone city.  Photos below.

Above: Charlie and Sergio enjoying the day.

Above: field trip leaders doing what field trip leaders do.

Hey sedimentologists, these turbidites are up-side-down!

Above: Miocene Gorgoglioni Flysch, amalgamated sandy channel-fill turbidite complex.

The boys looking good!

Above: Nice exposures in the hill top town of Pietrapertosa.

Above: Roadside cafe built into channel sandstone with rip-up clasts!

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