Author Archives: Jenee Wilde

Reading group to discuss “The myth of the colorblind writing classroom” Feb. 19 & 23

Inclusive Pedagogies will be holding our second Zoom reading group meetings of Winter term as follows:
  • Friday, Feb.19, 11am-1pm
  • Tuesday, Feb. 23, 4-6pm
For these meetings, we will be discussing “The Myth of the Colorblind Writing Classroom: White Instructors Confront White Privilege in Their Classrooms,” by Octavio Pimentel, Charise Pimentel, and John Dean, in Performing Antiracist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication, edited by Frankie Condon and Vershawn Ashanti Young (University Press of Colorado, 2017).
As always, no need to prepare for the reading group! We spend the first 30 minutes reading together, then discussing the text and its implications for our teaching praxis. The Inclusive Pedagogies reading group meets on Friday of Weeks 3 and 7 each term, with alternative meetings on the following Tuesday of Weeks 4 and 8.
Here’s the recurring link for our IPRIG meetings:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 7905 3595

Passcode: 661274

January reading group to discuss bell hooks’ Teaching to Transgress

Inclusive Pedagogies will be holding our first Winter term reading group meetings as follows:
  • Friday, Jan. 22, 11am-1pm
  • Tuesday, Jan. 26, 4-6pm
For these meetings, we will be discussing selections from bell hook’s Teaching to Transgress.
As always, no need to prepare for the reading group! We spend the first 30 minutes reading together, then discussing the text and its implications for our teaching praxis. The Inclusive Pedagogies reading group meets on 11am-1pm Friday in Weeks 3 and 7 each term, with alternative meetings on the following Tuesday 4-6pm in Weeks 4 and 8.
Here’s the recurring link for our IPRIG meetings:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 7905 3595

Passcode: 661274

Reading group to discuss Kumashiro’s “Troubling Education: Queer Activism and Anti-Opressive Pedagogy”

Inclusive Pedagogies will be holding our second Zoom reading group meetings of the term as follows:
  • Friday, Nov. 13, 11am-1pm
  • Tuesday, Nov. 17, 4-6pm
For these meetings, we will be discussing selections from Chapter 2 of Kevin Kumashiro’s book Troubling Education: Queer Activism and Anti-Opressive Pedagogy (Routledge 2002). This is one of the texts featured in the upcoming UO Teach-IN, rescheduled for Feb. 27, 2021.
As always, no need to prepare for the reading group! We spend the first 30 minutes reading together, then discussing the text and its implications for our teaching praxis. The Inclusive Pedagogies reading group meets on Friday of Weeks 3 and 7 each term, with alternative meetings on the following Tuesday of Weeks 4 and 8.
For the Zoom meeting link and PDF of the reading, please email

Reading group moves to Zoom for 2020-21

For the upcoming academic year, the IPRIG’s reading group will meet via Zoom. And if you can’t make a meeting, we’ll record and post links to them on this blog so you don’t have to miss out on our lively and inspiring discussions! Keep an eye on this blog for our upcoming meeting dates, readings, and video recordings.

Unique to our reading group format is that no preparation is required for our two-hour discussion sessions. Instead, we read together for 30 minutes then discuss our selected articles or book chapters in fields of composition and the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, ability, and other aspects of identity and social justice. Faculty, students, and staff from across disciplines are invited to join us. Our goals are (1) to develop a shared language for writing and assessment as they relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion concerns for teaching our diverse student body; and (2) to build a community of educators who help each other reflect upon and refine inclusive teaching practices and anti-racist pedagogy. Reading together gives us a shared language for reflecting on our work. We use the space of the reading group to discuss not only assessment of students but our own praxis and to share what we’ve learned through national conference papers, invited talks, and other research-based products.

In AY2019-20, the IPRIG formed an advisory board of faculty and staff affiliated with the Center for the Study of Women in Society, the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center, the English Department’s Writing Associates/Writing Tutorial Program, and the Composition Program. This restructuring has allowed the RIG to expand our discussions to include constituent groups of undergraduate and graduate student tutors as well as GEs and faculty across the curriculum. Among the Advisory Board’s goals is to explore how to support students and faculty in antiracist writing and tutoring pedagogy, especially by providing funding for groups who don’t normally have access to support.

For more information, contact Jenée Wilde.

Subscribe to the IPRIG mailing list.

AY 2020-21 co-coordinators:
Jenee Wilde, senior instructor of English,
Kate Myers, senior instructor of English,