What does it mean to “decolonize” teaching and scholarship? Why would we want to do that? And how? The hosts of the Speaking of Race podcast take on these questions and more in a panel discussion with social scientists and established scholars of race Lance Gravlee, John L. Jackson Jr., Stephanie McClure, and Yolanda Moses.
Some Resources:
- Blum, Susan D., and Alfie Kohn, eds. (2020). Ungrading: Why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead). West Virginia University Press. https://www.powells.com/book/ungrading-9781949199826
- Harrison, Faye V., ed. (1991). Decolonizing anthropology: Moving further toward an anthropology for liberation. American Anthropological Association. https://www.powells.com/book/decolonizing-anthropology-2nd-edition-9780913167830
- hooks, bell. (2014). Teaching to transgress. Routledge. https://www.powells.com/book/teaching-to-transgress-education-as-the-practice-of-freedom-9780415908085
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph. (2003). “Anthropology and the savage slot: The poetics and politics of otherness.” In Global transformations. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 7-28.
- Wendland, Claire L. (2010). A heart for the work: Journeys through an African medical school. University of Chicago Press. https://www.powells.com/book/a-heart-for-the-work-9780226893273
- The Boise State diversity course controversy: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/03/18/boise-state-suspends-diversity-course-1300-students
Select works our guests wanted to share with podcast listeners:
- Gravlee, Clarence C. (2009). “How race becomes biology: Embodiment of social inequality.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 47–57.
- Gravlee, Lance. (2021) “How whiteness works: JAMA and the refusals of white supremacy.” Somatosphere. http://somatosphere.net/2021/how-whiteness-works.html/
- Jackson Jr, John L. (2013). Thin description: Ethnography and the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem. Harvard University Press. https://www.powells.com/book/thin-description-9780674049666
- McClure, SM (2017). Symbolic body capital of an “other” kind: African American females as a bracketed subunit in female body valuation. In Anderson-Fye, EP and Brewis, A (eds.) Fat Planet: Obesity, Culture and Symbolic Body Capital. University of New Mexico Press.
- McClure, SM. (2020) Living Unembodiment: Physicality and body/self discontinuity among African American Adolescent Girls. Ethos, 48(1): 3-28.
- Mukhopadhyay, Carol C., Rosemary Henze, and Yolanda T. Moses. (2013). How real is race? A sourcebook on race, culture, and biology, 2nd edition. Rowman & Littlefield. https://www.powells.com/book/how-real-is-race-9780759122734
- Rouse, Carolyn Moxley, John L. Jackson Jr, and Marla F. Frederick. (2016). Televised redemption: Black religious media and racial empowerment. NYU Press. https://www.powells.com/book/televised-redemption-9781479818174
A few additional resources on decolonizing:
- Harrison, Ira E., and Faye V. Harrison, eds. (1999). African-American pioneers in anthropology. University of Illinois Press. https://www.powells.com/book/african-american-pioneers-in-anthropology-9780252067365
- Harrison, Ira E., Deborah Johnson-Simon, and Erica Lorraine Williams, eds. (2018). The second generation of African American pioneers in anthropology. University of Illinois Press. https://www.press.uillinois.edu/wordpress/the-second-generation-of-african-american-pioneers-in-anthropology-first-recipient-of-university-of-illinois-press-fund-for-anthropology-grant/
- Roy, Sumana (2021). “The problem with the postcolonial syllabus.” https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-problem-with-the-postcolonial-syllabus
- Stimson, Blake (2021). “Deneocolonize your syllabus”. https://nonsite.org/deneocolonize-your-syllabus/
- Decolonizing anthropology series from Savage Minds: https://savageminds.org/2016/04/19/decolonizing-anthropology/