Inclusive Environment:

The Inclusive Environment subgroup work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for under-represented groups in ION. We will focus on two aspects: first, immediate actions to welcome new ION members and improve the culture of ION (particularly as assessed by the Feedback subgroup); and second, education and training for members of ION, in order to achieve lasting change.

After surveying current and previous trainees, we prepared a Welcoming Package to help incoming ION graduate students navigate the opportunities and challenges of life in Eugene and in graduate school:

ION Welcoming Letter Fall 2020

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Inclusive Governance

Following the 2021 Climate Survey and the Spring 2021 Town Hall meeting recommendation, ION and the Biology Departments overhauled their governance practices to include trainees’ representation in faculty meetings and committees. Two graduate students and two postdocs will be elected via ranked-choice vote. We believe that this position will offer the representatives a great opportunity to engage with faculty, learn more about University/committee structures, and make meaningful change in our community.