Contact Information

Course Meeting Times and Location:             

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 pm – 3:20 p.m.

Location: 191 Anstett Hall


 Professor & TA Contact Information

Professor Anita M. Weiss

Office: 307 PLC, 541 346-3245

Office Hours Spring term 2023: Tuesdays 11-1 and by appointment

Professor Anita Weiss’ faculty website—————————————————————————–
TA: Joel Matheson
Office:  323 PLC
           Office Hours: Wednesdays 2 -3 pm, Fridays 10 – 11 am
Your group should meet with Joel at least twice during the term for guidance on the project. If the times above do not work for you or your group, please contact him for an appointment.

Current Global Studies Librarian
Miriam Rigby: You can email Miriam directly to set up an appointment for your group to meet with her about research concerns.