The Race Card Project at UO

Michel Norris’ Race Card Project — on campus this fall!  You can participate in The Race Card Project in one of two ways:
Or pick up a postcard at these campus locations and drop it in the collection box:
Clark Honors College (Chapman Hall)
Dean of Students Office (1st floor Oregon Hall)
DuckStore (upstairs in the Literary Duck)
EMU – in the Fishbowl and by the ASUO offices
Health Center
Housing Service Centers:
• Global Scholars Hall
• Barnhart Hall
• Living Learning Center
• Hamilton
Jaqua Building
Knight Library
Student Rec Center

Join in!

Tickets for Michele Norris event SOLD OUT

SOLD OUTMichele Norris tickets sold out in 4 days, however some tickets may be made available in the next week. Click Here to add your info to the waiting list.

Due to the overwhelming demand, we will live stream video of the event to the Oak and Maple rooms in the EMU!

We have created a waiting list for those who would like a ticket if tickets become available. Click Here to add your info to the waiting list.If you receive a ticket from the waiting list, you will only have 24 hours to claim it — so be sure to check your email for a message about tickets.

We will fill the overflow room on a first come/first serve basis.

Michele Norris – November 13th

Michele Norris November 13thNPR special correspondent Michele Norris will speak on campus November 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the EMU Ballroom about The Race Card Project and her experiences traveling the country speaking with many different people about their experiences with race.  We invite you to be part of the Race Card Project:

Here’s how it works. Think about the word Race. How would you distill your thoughts, experiences or observations about race into one sentence that only has six words?

That’s right. Your thoughts. One sentence. Six words.

See more at:


Explore Identity

During the upcoming academic year, the University community will engage in a discussion, an exploration, a journey on the theme of race and identity.

We have begun with the Common Reading: The Grace of Silence by Michele Norris. All incoming students — and all faculty and staff — are being encouraged to read this “profoundly moving and deeply personal” memoir. Discussion sessions will be held across campus through fall term. (check the Events link for dates.)

In the fall, one piece of this exploration will be participation in NPR Special Correspondent Michele Norris’ The Race Card Project™. You will be invited to participate in a little exercise:  Think about the word RACE. What are you thoughts about RACE and ethnicity in just SIX WORDS. That’s right, your experience, your story, your theory expressed in just six words. You can submit your 6 word story to her website or write it on one of the cards that you’ll find around campus. You can participate anonymously, or with your identity. Ms. Norris is working to archive the 30,000+ stories she’s received.  Read more about it in this article for National Geographic blog PROOF!

And beyond The Race Card Project™ we will explore identity in the broadest sense of the word: what is race? how do we form our identity? what are the intersections of identity: race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity – and more?

During Winter term, we will be exploring race and identity in various contexts – the media, the criminal justice system, athletics – with the goal of better understanding how our identities shape and are shaped by various influences.

In Spring, we will host TEDxUOregon. In the spirit of TED Talks, we will invite speakers to present ‘ideas worth sharing’ with a focus on identity & creativity.

We hope that the seeds planted through the various Identity Project programs and events will bloom into a deep discussion of the impact of identity and race on our campus and in our lives.

This website will serve as the hub for the various events and activities engaged in ExploreIdentity@UOregon.  Use hashtag #ExploreIdentity on Twitter, Facebook, Instragram etc.  Join in!