Lesson 1

Bart van der Leck and Computer Science


Teacher: Miss Hannah                                                                                    Lesson Date: N/A

                                                                                                                        Lesson Duration: 1 hr

Grade: 3rd                                          

Subject(s): Computer Science (focus on coding), Visual Arts

Featured Artist: Bart van der Leck

Featured Artworks: Composition no. 3 (1917), Composition no. 4 (1917), Composition no. 4 (1918)


Learning Goal:

-Students will demonstrate the use of basic coding functions, including variables, data, and operations, by creating an original project in “Scratch” a visual programming site, with the influence of Bart van der Leck’s artwork.


Learning Objectives:

Students will analyze the works of van der Leck using Visual Thinking Strategies methods

-Students will apply their analysis of van der Leck’s works to their project on the “Scratch” site

-Students will demonstrate use of the coding function of variables on the “Scratch” site

-Students will demonstrate use of the coding function of data and operators on the “Scratch” site



Prior Knowledge Resources:

-Students are comfortable navigating the basic functions of a computer (clicking, scrolling, finding webpages, running applications, etc.)

-Students will have basic definitions of computer science/coding terms and language used in “Scratch” (coding, variables, data, operators, scripts, sprites, backgrounds, etc.)

-Students will have preexisting “Scratch” accounts and know how to log in

-Students will be familiar with “Scratch” and have a basic understanding of the site and its’ functions

-Students will have experienced art instruction

-Students will be well versed in VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) as they have received scaffolding and have practiced it

-Students will have basic definitions of visual arts terms and language used in VTS discussions (line, color, shape, balance, etc.)

*Some students may forget passwords and log in info

*Some students may have trouble navigating “Scratch” site



For Students:


-Images of Bart van der Leck’s artworks

-Bart van der Leck artist bio/info sheet

-“Scratch” account

-“Scratch” variables and operators instructional project

For Teacher:



-Images of Bart van der Leck’s artworks

-Artist bio power point presentation

-“Scratch” account

-“Scratch” variables and operators tutorial


Lesson Progression: Describing in detail what will happen during the lesson. Specifying what the teacher will actually do/say and what the students are expected to do/say.


Duration: Teacher will… Students will…
Minutes 0:00-8:00 -Pass out materials (artist bio sheet, print outs of artworks)

-Introduce the artist Bart van der Leck, reading the artist bio aloud and showing images of his artworks on the screen

-Bring computer to their desk

-Gather materials given by the teacher

-Listen to the artist bio, following along and looking at provided images

Minutes 8:00-15:00 -Ask students guiding questions about the works of art, using VTS methods (focusing on color, shape, balance) -Respond to and analyze the works of art, engaging in discussion with teacher and peers using VTS methods
Minutes 15:00-25:00 -Explain to students that they will be using “Scratch” to create a computer program that mimics the works of van der Leck

-Instruct students to open computers, navigate to the “Scratch” site, and log in

-Show students my sample instructional program on the projector, walking them through the definitions and functions of variables, data, and operators, and asking them to follow along on their own screens

-Engage in active listening

-Open computers, navigate to the “Scratch” site, and log in

-Follow along with the sample instructional program on their computers

Minutes 25:00-50:00 -Instruct students to create a new project in their “Scratch” account, beginning by giving it a name (anything they want as long as “van der Leck” is in the title), typing 3 facts about van der Leck in the “instructions” text box, and proceeding to work towards completing an original project

-Floating around the room, providing assistance, trouble shooting, answering questions as needed, encouraging collaboration between students

-Create a new project in their “Scratch” accounts, beginning by giving it a name

-Type 3 facts about van der Leck in the “instructions” text box

-Work collaboratively or individually toward completing an original project inspired by van der Leck


Minutes 50:00-60:00 -Ask students to make their projects public on “Scratch” (finished or not) to allow for peers and myself to view them and provide feedback via the comment section of the published project

-Instruct students to log off of the “Scratch” site and put away their computers


-Make their “Scratch” projects public

-Browse the works of their peers and write feedback in the comments section

-Log off of “Scratch” and put away their computers


Standards Addressed:

-Computer Science: 1B-A-5-5 “Construct programs, in order to solve a problem or for creative expression, that include sequencing, events, loops, conditionals, parallelism, and variables, using a block-based visual programming language or text-based language, both independently and collaboratively (e.g., pair programming).”

-Art Education: MA.5.PR2.3 “Exhibit standard use of tools and techniques while constructing media artworks.”


Explanation of Rationale:

– The students will be “learning, performing, and expressing themselves in other subjects” (art). The execution of the art will be achieved by using a control structure, variables. This lesson will help students practice using coding techniques as well as create original art.

Scratch Tutorial:


Individual Artifact:
