The Importance of Technology in Education

The new age is here: we have complete access to computers, smartphones, iPads, and other types of tablets available at the tips of our fingers, so why shouldn’t we be taking advantage? Some of the best, most well paying jobs in the US economy currently are technology based,  so shouldn’t we be preparing our kids for their futures at an earlier age? But theres a catch, and that catch is dividing up the US economy and educational statuses across the nation. Who can afford to have technology in their classrooms? Why does it matter who does and who doesn’t have technology in their schools?

This is otherwise known as the digital divide, and this divide will continue getting larger the less time we, as teachers, spend using technology in the classroom. It is especially important for students who do not have daily access to computers at home. To succeed in this job economy, children most develop computer skills and where is the best place to learn? In public education!

The need to have a computer as a staple in schools is tremendous. Computers also have a place in every single subject in school! Math, science, and yes, even art! Art can be digitalized, even older pieces of art such as Piet Mondrian’s Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow . Lessons can be taught with all the access to many different mediums of platforms as possible. Why don’t we try to do that exact thing?

With the help of our De Stijl lesson craft/idea/plan, we hope that teachers can use this resource to use computers in all subjects, even with teaching art and the artistic De Stijl movement.

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