Events / Whiteaker Market Opening Day Bike Ride

Whiteaker Market Opening Day Bike Ride

May 5, 2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join the UO Bike Program in a community group ride to the Whiteaker Community Market!

To celebrate opening day at the Whiteaker Community Market, PeaceHealth Rides Eugene Bike Share is leading a special community group ride.

Ride as a group from the EMU bike share station outside of the University of Oregon Bike Program (EMU 008). The route will include multiple stops to highlight the 20×21 EUG Mural Project. They’ll also cover basic bike safety, commuting and riding tips before heading out.

The ride will end at the 4th & Blair bike share station by 11 a.m., just in time to join a free yoga class with Stop Drop & Yoga LLC. There will be other fun events to celebrate the start of the season and Cinco de Mayo. Stay as long as you’d like to enjoy the festivities as the return route will be on your own.

Attendees are encouraged to sign-up for a PeaceHealth Rides account prior to the event. Staff will be on site to support the bike share sign-up process and access to the bikes. The event is free, and attendees will receive two hours of ride credit on their PeaceHealth Rides accounts.

Cost: FREE

Sign-up: None required

Location: EMU (008)