Events / What is ADHD, really?

What is ADHD, really?

May 14, 2019
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm

Duck Nest Wellness Center (041 EMU)

Many people talk about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), even those diagnosed with ADHD, without really knowing what this actually means. So, what is ADHD, really?? Through this engaging and interactive workshop, we will first take a peek into the ADHD brain to better understand ADHD as a form of neurodiversity and how these brain differences can show up as strengths (creativity, curiosity, passion, hyper-focusing) and frustrating challenges (lack of motivation, difficulty getting started, trouble tracking time) for individuals with ADHD. We will then discuss real-life examples of what it looks and feels like to have ADHD! The purpose of this workshop is to start talking about ADHD through a more informed, strengths-based lens and to help raise awareness of the many gifts related to the ADHD experience. We will also review resources and basic strategies aimed at supporting individuals with ADHD. Let’s celebrate neurodiversity together – you don’t need to have ADHD to learn more about it. ​This workshop is free and open to UO students, faculty, and staff.