Five Playgrounds in Copenhagen

Bermuda Triangle Park below

A play structure along a path near Nordhaven

A waterpark near the traffic playground

A school playground near a place we got bubble tea at

Children-sized soccer area near the roundabout Marc was talking about

Copenhagen has a wonderful array of children’s areas that took me by storm and I was genuinely surprised. As I biked randomly more and more I ran into areas built for children. This is not something you can see as much in America. There is always an aspect for children to be involved which brings families and adults to gather. We all have an inner child in us so having structures and areas for people to play is needed. This brings people together and uses the space as much as possible. That is again something that Copenhagen is super good at. The Bermuda triangle park was very bizarre and funny to me as they used that as an idea. For instance, it is not safe in America for children to roam around as they do here. As bike mike stated there is a level of trust here. People leaving their babies to sit in strollers outside of the home is something that could never happen in America. I really enjoyed this assignment as I found many places for children and also just many children out about was awesome. I honestly was shocked by how much was made for children which is a first priority. I took a Native American studies class this last term and we talked about the Hopi tribe. The Hopi tribe in the 1990s gave a warning to the U.S. government that our society had failed. The first sign is how we treat children. America does not value nor treat children properly. You see here how loved children are and the space for them. Obviously, there are issues here but the structure to make children feel safe is here. We need to make our children feel safe. They need areas to grow as they become adults like we all did once. Also having the safety of being able to go anywhere is truly a remarkable thing. There was freedom in Copenhagen that I  truly loved it.  Thankful to see places that care for children as one of the foremost parts of planning. A space for children to be free and safe is a place that we all can thrive in.

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