Windy shore by storm

We entered the shore’s windy area, and it almost blew us away. I thought this area was so calm and loved how they renovated it. The mixed-match entrances into the area of the neighborhood were very awesome. When the wind was taking us away I loved it! I am very into the stormy weather just not being there. As we looked around we saw more little areas for the locals to hang out right in front of their homes. The green roofs and little ponds were really beautiful to see everywhere. The different colored homes and how they used the area was sick to see. There were various homes sizes but none too big nor too small. It seemed like everything had fit into a puzzle piece. The tower was so interesting and cool to see. I wanted to know more about how it was constructed and why the shape is spoiled. I do think it has to do with the wind and weather in that area. But I thought this whole area was so cute and fun. Every area that we went to had a little area for people to enjoy the greeny and also a sense of peace in this area. It was really cool how they used the beachfront by having seated areas


One thought on “Windy shore by storm”

  1. I’m glad the big windy storm brought an extra layer of joy! Looking forward to your Amsterdam thoughts.

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