What am I still pondering in Copenhagen??
Copenhagen has been an experience for me. As this is my first time traveling internationally and being immersed in a city this is a first for me. We have moved around this city to explore all and see what this city is about. In my last post, I am still wondering what is the accessibility here? They have made super highways to make it possible to interconnect the city with the suburbs. Which is not something we see in America. Here there is a sense of trust without wearing helmets. People are not worried or scared to be hit by cars which is a new idea for me. I am still pondering about homelessness as well. We are about bike infrastructure and making better cities. A big part of that to me is acknowledging all humans. What is the culture around the people who are collecting cans and where do they live? This city has an amazing bike structure but there is more to do to make the city all-inclusive I feel. The biking infrastructure is desperately needed to make America more sanctioned for it and also the culture around it. We need to establish that culture of biking that is here. For it to be equal to driving cars is so important. Being able to go anywhere has been so freeing. I am not scared to go somewhere and leave my bike, but more excited to be able to have that freedom. So many people want to have that freedom. I haven’t looked at how well transit is here. Again how do people who are not able bodies get around the city? For people who cannot bike how do they get around?