Human Rights

Civil Liberties Defense Center

The Civil Liberties Defense Center seeks to dismantle the political and economic structures at the root of social inequality and environmental destruction. They offer 2-4 internships each term. Interns help develop relationships in the community, fundraise, develop content for the website, and more. To apply and for information, email  

Community Alliance of Lane County

The Community Alliance of Lane County does work with racial justice, immigration rights, climate justice, and much more. To learn about their various on-going volunteer opportunities, sign up on their website.  

Lane County Community Rights

Volunteer to educate and mobilize citizens on our rights to local community governance. Sign up using an online application that indicates how you would like to get involved. Time commitment and tasks vary with every position. Email for more details about the position(s) you are interested in.  


We the People Eugene  

Volunteer to create democracy by helping to build social movements. Join the mailing list to get updates on what volunteer positions are available. Tasks and time commitment vary with each position.  
