Continue engaging with us remotely! The Holden Center is still offering multiple programs to help you develop your leadership by finding your natural strengths, leadership consultations with professional staff, leadership lounge topics, and workshops. In addition, we have resources for you to engage in the Eugene-Springfield community and also receive a grant for your service project.
Clifton-Strengths Based Leadership
We are offering CliftonStrengths consultations virtually! Everyone has different strengths, talents, and leadership styles. CliftonStrengths can help you discover and maximize your innate abilities to achieve success, improve your leadership skills, empower yourself and others, and make influential, positive contributions that can drive positive outcomes.
*NEW* This term we are offering a new program – leadership consultations! This 1:1 format allows you to take a deeper dive into various leadership topics, equipping you with new tools and perspectives to be an effective and inspiring leader.
Leadership Lounges are guided discussion circles for your group or organization. We offer 20 topics related to leadership, empowerment, community, sustainability, social justice, and much more. Leadership Lounge is a great way to reflect on your personal beliefs and experiences, be exposed to new perspectives, and connect with your peers.
For the spring term, the Holden Center will be offering all of our leadership workshops remotely. We have also added three new workshops – Queer Leadership, Intersection of Identity and Leadership, and Public Speaking.
You can still submit an application for our Community Service Grant program.
***A large part of this is working with a community organization, and for the spring term, you can apply for a service grant for a project in your local community (wherever that is for you right now) ***
Volunteer in the Eugene-Springfield Area through United Way
To help address some immediate needs of local nonprofits during this pandemic, United Way of Lane County is actively collecting and sharing information with the community about nonprofits seeking volunteers.
It seems far away, but mark your calendars now for LeaderShape Institute 2020! Registration will open in June.