I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Oregon’s Vertebrate Paleontology Lab.In an attempt to name my main interests, I can briefly summarize in vertebrate paleontology and mammalian evolution. Going further, I am specifically interested in horse evolution.



In progress: Ph.D. student at University of Oregon, Department of Earth Sciences. Adviser: Edward Davis, Ph.D.

Master in Geosciences. National Museum (MN/UFRJ, Brazil). Geopaleontological Patrimony program. Dissertation titled: Revising the taxonomy of the extinct genus Equus (Mammalia:Equidae) from South America. Adviser: Leonardo Avilla, Ph.D.; co-adviser: Orlando Grillo, Ph.D.

Bachelor in Biological Sciences. Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, Brazil). Monograph titled: Morphofunctional analysis of the appendicular distal skeletal of Equus L. 1789 (Equidae:Mammalia) from Pleistocene South America. Adviser: Leonardo Avilla, Ph.D.