Almost free (and no wait) 3D tracking in a weekend

Earlier this month I posted that I’ve ordered my 3D tracking devices, Leap. They should be here in a few months when they start shipping. But for those of you who can’t wait and have a little time this weekend, Dean Walton just shared a DIY version! Sounds like a good weekend project with my favorite engineer in training (currently age 6).

Wow. That sounds really Tiger-Mom of me, doesn’t it?

Make Weekend Projects – a touchless 3D tracking interface


Thanks to Sara S. for sharing this MOOC. I’m registered!

—Welcome to the MobiMOOC discussion group!

The course will show mLearning examples from around the world with facilitators and speakers from different continents.

Details of the course:
Date: 8 – 30 September 2012
Course format: open and with emphasis on discussion and knowledge exchange
Cost: free
Location of the course: online, there are two central locations, the course wiki (!) and this Google group (for discussions and questions/answers).
How to register for the course: request membership for the MobiMOOC2012 group, which you did as you have received this welcoming message! Thanks for that!

Topics: augmented mLearning, ICT for development, mLearning theory, mHealth, global mobile impact, train-the-trainer, building a mobile learning curriculum, mobile activism, mobile games, mlearning tools, and a mobile introduction, including how to plan a mobile learning project.

Best wishes and looking forward to our joint discussions,
Ignatia / Inge de Waard

Qualtrics-users listserv live

Qualtrics Survey Software

Yes, really. Listservs aren’t dead yet. As long as email remains a primary business and communications tool and too many other social media options, listservs will probably continue to be requested. So here’s to fulfilling the request for yet another listserv:

If you’re a UO Qualtrics user, join this group to share best practices, tips, tricks, and insight. This is NOT for reporting problems or getting support or assistance. For that, please call the friendly, helpful people at Qualtrics.

Join here:


BTW, Bryce Winkelman, our account rep from Qualtrics, told us that when the support phone rings at Qualtrics, it rings on EVERYONE’s phone so they’re motivated to answer quickly. And if it’s not answered in 3 rings, lights start flashing. If it’s not answered in 6 rings, alarms start ringing. In other words, be patient please. They DEFINITELY know you’re calling and they’re probably just really busy with other customers. And yes, they’re located in the USA (Utah).


Free Books!

Also, here are some great free resources for building surveys and collecting data: (PDF & Kindle versions)

Basic Marketing Research Volume 1: Designing Your Study

Basic Marketing Research Volume 2: Building Your Survey

Qualtrics Survey Software: Handbook for Research Professionals

An Intro to Marketing Research



Quick Reads on Career

Find Your Calling

A Frye colleague calls it “finding your tribe.” For me, it’s not just about finding a tribe, it’s recognizing and following my calling to serve.
Hagy, Jessica. “20 Ways to Find Your Calling,” Forbes. June 26, 2012.

#11 says “roam a library”
Lead From Where You Are

Turak, August. “The 11 Leadership Secrets You’ve Never Heard About,” Forbes.


Build Your Team

This article suggests that you need these six people on your team. I would also ask which of these roles do you play on someone else’s team?

Hagy, Jessica. “The 6 People You Need in Your Corner,” Forbes. July 17, 2012.

Qualtrics Training today!

Very exciting! Bryce Winkelman from Qualtrics is on campus today and tomorrow for Qualtrics training.

July 11, 2012

9-11am Qualtrics 101: Quick Start / Introduction to Qualtrics session

11-12 Office hours, open practice time & lunch

12:30 – 2:30 Qualtrics 201: Advanced Survey Creation

3:00 – 5:00 Qualtrics 202: Working with Data and Advanced Reporting sessions.


The trainings have been incredibly popular – even in the summer time. We opened registration for these courses one afternoon at 4:30pm and by 7:30 am, all the courses were full and wait listing! We have been barraged by emails asking if there would be another training, so hopefully we can do something in the fall. We’re also recording today’s sessions and we will stream these from the UO Web site afterwards.


Tomorrow’s trainings are

July 12, 2012

8:30 – 10:30 am Qualtrics 201: Advanced Survey Creation

11-12 Office hours, open practice time & lunch

12:30 – 2:30 Qualtrics 202: Working with Data and Advanced Reporting sessions.


Events | World Science Festival

Events | World Science Festival

Science on SiteI have been wanting to go to the World Science Festival since it started. I admit, I’ve been following Brian Greene’s career since Shira Boss wrote “World On a String” for CCT… One of these days, I’ll be able to attend… Maybe I’ll get to take the kids. My top picks this year?

Primordial Light: Dispatches from the Birth of the Universe with Lawrence Krauss, John C. Mather, Lyman Page, David Spergel

Pioneers in Science” where middle and high school kids get to meet Nobel Laureates, presidential advisors and scientists.

The Elusive Neutrino and the Nature of the Cosmos by Janet Conrad, Francis Halzen, and Lawrence Krauss

Internet Everywhere: The Future of History’s Most Disruptive Technology with Vint Cerf, Neil Gershenfeld, Alex Wright

Pandemic Fix: Seeking Universal Vaccines with Richard Besser, Laurie Garrett, Michael Osterholm, Harold Varmus

Einstein, Time, and the Coldest Stuff in the Universe, by William Phillips

and of course…

Spooky Action: The Drama of Quantum Mechanics by Brian Greene. With a title like that, my 6 year old would want to go.


I bet this will be amazing eye candy (and good science too, but who doesn’t love pretty pictures?) Reefs As Never Before Seen: A World Premiere