Thanks to Sara S. for sharing this MOOC. I’m registered!

—Welcome to the MobiMOOC discussion group!

The course will show mLearning examples from around the world with facilitators and speakers from different continents.

Details of the course:
Date: 8 – 30 September 2012
Course format: open and with emphasis on discussion and knowledge exchange
Cost: free
Location of the course: online, there are two central locations, the course wiki (!) and this Google group (for discussions and questions/answers).
How to register for the course: request membership for the MobiMOOC2012 group, which you did as you have received this welcoming message! Thanks for that!

Topics: augmented mLearning, ICT for development, mLearning theory, mHealth, global mobile impact, train-the-trainer, building a mobile learning curriculum, mobile activism, mobile games, mlearning tools, and a mobile introduction, including how to plan a mobile learning project.

Best wishes and looking forward to our joint discussions,
Ignatia / Inge de Waard

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