Events | World Science Festival

Events | World Science Festival

Science on SiteI have been wanting to go to the World Science Festival since it started. I admit, I’ve been following Brian Greene’s career since Shira Boss wrote “World On a String” for CCT… One of these days, I’ll be able to attend… Maybe I’ll get to take the kids. My top picks this year?

Primordial Light: Dispatches from the Birth of the Universe with Lawrence Krauss, John C. Mather, Lyman Page, David Spergel

Pioneers in Science” where middle and high school kids get to meet Nobel Laureates, presidential advisors and scientists.

The Elusive Neutrino and the Nature of the Cosmos by Janet Conrad, Francis Halzen, and Lawrence Krauss

Internet Everywhere: The Future of History’s Most Disruptive Technology with Vint Cerf, Neil Gershenfeld, Alex Wright

Pandemic Fix: Seeking Universal Vaccines with Richard Besser, Laurie Garrett, Michael Osterholm, Harold Varmus

Einstein, Time, and the Coldest Stuff in the Universe, by William Phillips

and of course…

Spooky Action: The Drama of Quantum Mechanics by Brian Greene. With a title like that, my 6 year old would want to go.


I bet this will be amazing eye candy (and good science too, but who doesn’t love pretty pictures?) Reefs As Never Before Seen: A World Premiere

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