Wooooooooow this has been a very long and stressful week. I just, woah, had a lot going on and on top of every I got sick so that was stress inducing.
My first college-level assessment was in history last week, it was our in class essay, and it in retrospect it went really well. I personally thought I completely bombed it but I actually did really well and got an A on it? Which is strange but whatever, I am not complaining.
I had two more tests this week– a spanish test and an ethnic studies assessment. There was drama around my spanish test because the day I was suppose to take it (Tuesday) I suddenly got really sick. I either got food poisoning or a stomach bug, either way I am now wary around dorm food especially because I puked eight times on Tuesday which is a new record for me. Because of all the puking, I had to miss my spanish test– I didn’t feel up to it and I didn’t want to get other people sick or be a distraction, because let’s be real, who wants to have a girl puking while everyones taking a test?? No one.
It turns out that I could make up my test (it was a one time deal, thanks prof.!!) and I feel really good about it. Spanish is an easy class for me (it helps that I used the same textbook in high school) and the test was pretty easy.
The ethnic studies assessment is the one I am truly not sure about because I had to take it on Tuesday, the day that I was sick, and I did it really quickly because I honestly just wanted to get it done. But I mean it really was just a reading comprehension test– it was really just testing us to see if we were doing the readings and actually paid attention during her lectures which I’ve done both. I think I did okay on it, which in all honesty sort of means nothing because I’ll say that and then I fail the test or on the flip side do really well, so who knows how I did (well the gtfs do, ;)).
I think my study habits these past two weeks were a mixture of good and bad ones. I did all the readings and looked over all my notes and studied vocabulary for spanish but overall I had a really hard time motivating myself to actually study and holding myself accountable when it came to studying. I mean I think I studied enough for all my tests but I do feel like there is always more I could do. And it’s not like I don’t have study habits, I do, the motivation to put this study habits into practice was hard.
Me with my history test that I got an A on!!