
I am a Courtesy Research Associate in the Department of Geological Sciences at University of Oregon. In Oct 2016, I am starting a NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and will be working with Eric Fielding.

Click here for my full CV.

Professional Experience

NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, starting October 2016

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Oregon, 2015

Research Interests

Landslides, Process Geomorphology, Landscape Evolution, Remote Sensing (InSAR and lidar), Groundwater hydrology,  Gas hydrates and Submarine Landslides.


Ph.D. Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, 2015.
Advised by Josh Roering, David Schmidt, and Alan Rempel
Area of Study: Landslides, InSAR, Gas Hydrates
Dissertation: Controls on the kinematics of slow-moving landslides from satellite radar interferometry and mechanical modeling

B.A. Earth Sciences cum laude, Boston University, 2008.
Advised by Sergio Fagherazzi
Directed study: Morphology of distributary channels in tidal deltas

James Madison University, 2008.
Geology field school

University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2007.
Study abroad program