Halley Perry E Portfolio

You only life once but if you do it right once is enough.

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Media Inventory

The nonprofit organization I am doing for my project, Community Fine Arts Center of Rock Springs, has three main media outlets. They are Facebook, their website, and flyers. For my media inventory, I wanted to expand their social networks and media formats.

The first social media I would like to suggest is LinkedIn, tumblr, Youtube, and twitter. The reason I would suggest LinkedIn is that it would provide a wider audience for their services and connect them with other art centers and artists. Artists would be particularly important because they could take classes or teach at the center.

The next social medias for their center should include Pinterest. They can showcase works from students and also gain ideas for different aspects of the organization. I use this media tools for interesting ideas on ice breakers, teaching techniques, and thank you notes.

For my project, I am going to design a volunteer application and a thank you card. Two are very important for all nonprofits and it would be nice to see a common them between the two. The thank you card could also be a letterhead. However, I want to make the application in a different format.

The other format I want to suggest is a tote bag. That way projects taken home with children or adults can be carried easily from the center to their homes. They can also use these around town and in other places were people can see and ask where to get one. Great marketing strategy because Rock Springs is starting to push recycling in the schools and area.

The last new format I would suggest are pencils or pens. They have a close tie with all the schools in Rock Springs and it would be easy for students to take these pencils and pens for classes.

After I have finished rebranding their organization, the theme would be carried out through all media outlets.

Week 4 Lexicon

Convergence – This word was very popular in our recent reading by Mark Deuze. It should have been part of the Key words that they had in the beginning of the chapter. It is also a word I can relate to a lot of the classes. In a way, convergence is a this idea of coming together or a fusion. In our Cultural Administration class we watched a video about the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance. This organization is a convergence of the three performing art platforms brought together as one, in my opinion. They have the Dayton Opera, Dayton ballet, and Dayton Philharmonic.


Another class discussion relatable to this word and the reading is from the video in Art & Society. This idea of a Cultural Kitchen is similar to how Deuze is thinking of the converging culture and its relationship to media.


Connections – The first idea of what the word connection means is from a networking term. During the 20th year reunion there were many possible connections alumni and students could make between each other.  Another way of connections is from the internet.


Has anyone ever wondered what our world would be like if the internet was not free. I mean except the internet connection you buy to put in your household. The inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, believed that knowledge for the public should be free. Therefore, he created an internet service that


Could you imagine this access that we have and the connections we have made throughout our lives would have more exclusivity? Imagine going to the library and not having to pay to use the internet on the computer. It would have closed a lot of the connections that have been made over the years.


Making connections is very important to every individual. It is how people exist in this mixing pot of cultures. We always find some similarities with each other.  


Identity – This is one of the toughest words to define in just a short comment. There have been many statements, articles, art, and books about identity. It is palpable word in its meaning because it’s a notion. It can be individual perspective of one self or it can be the atmosphere of a company. It can be a trait that defines someone or something.  

I wanted to bring up the conversation we had in Art & Society. The activity we did from group 1 presentation. We defined ourselves on a piece of paper. Some chose to say ethnicities, titles, country, or their interests. Others decided to challenge their own meaning of identity. It made us re-think the question and challenged us to view ourselves and others differently. 

Brand Awareness Assignment

The three logos I chose for this assignment are ones that I interact with everyday. They stand out to me because they are memorable and, in my opinion, successful in design.  So HERE WE GO…

1.) Facebook

My first logo is the Facebook logo. I think almost everyone in class can agree that this is one service they use everyday. It’s on everyone’s smart phone, computer, and tablets. Facebook has made international news, documentaries, and movies. It has opened the doors to possibilities for social media and could be considered as a venue for art. Their logo has to be one of the most recognizable images now a days. It is so simple in their design that is really only includes one shape. One being a square with rounded tip corners and the letter f cut out of it that is aligned to the left. It does not have a narrative for the company but it does create a emotion.   The color does give a more welcoming to users on the computer. I am also impress for the most part that the same blue can be seen on any type of computer screen. (Web safe) Purposefully of course because it is meant to reach out to everyone.  Also to be notated is that the f is aligned more to the left. It is not evenly centered which most people would prefer. They align it just right so that it is apparent but not off putting.  One can also see they designed this f themselves because the inner part is slatted. Again, it is not apparent at first glance. How to interpret  this is  y saying they are making it difference to the networking society. I can surely say Facebook has made reaching out to others and networking in a whole new way.

2.) Batman

I know that there have been many Batmans in the day but they all have one thing in common. The Batman symbol. How do I interact with this logo? Well part of me is a huge Batman-fantatic. However, the majority of the reason chose this logo it that I see it on T-Shirts, advertisements, and different adaptations everywhere. Plus it is very inspirational. It stands for a symbol of a guardian.  It is bold to represent strength. It boldness  is from the simple design. In most cases, you really only need to have the shape of the bat for someone to realize who and what this symbol represents. The colors are usually just black which represent  darkness and fear to all the bad guys in the city.  It is my favorite of all the logos. Oh and by the way, I AM BATMAN! LOL

3.) Sweet Pea Festival

This last logo was my inspiration from Bozeman, MT. It is a festival of the arts and it is an event in Bozeman that is historically  been around since the turn of the 20th century. I have a thing for simplicity and using shapes to create an emotional connection with the viewer. The Sweet Pea festival puts this logo on everything. On wrist bands, letterhead, posters, t-shirts, and bill boards. Everyone in the Gallatin County knows this symbol and marks their calender every year if they want to participate. What makes it successful is that it creates this modern abstract to a the sweet pea flower. The abstract makes it very creative design which the celebration is for creativity. I love the color because it is welcoming and family friendly. Again, representing the festival’s atmosphere. One thing about this design is that  it is an organization that has been around for a long time, you wouldn’t think that it was an old organization. I think it was an attempt to draw more visitors. One thing I should mention, the festival is built around a festival of Sweet Pea. I hope that clarifies why the Sweet Pea flower is so important to this non-profit organization.

Student Survey

1. Where did you move from to attend the UO? And, briefly describe how you landed on the UO AAD program. Any interesting, funny, anecdotal stories/details are welcome.

I moved from Bozeman, Montana after I graduated from Montana State University with a Bachelor’s of Fine Art Degree in Art History and two Minors in Business Administration and Museum Studies.  There were three things I was looking for in a graduate study program; it needed to be in the Northwest Region, combined my passions of Art and Business, and the mission statement was that fit my research and career opportunities. I came to Eugene in the summer and I have loved it here from the get go.

2. Area of concentration in AAD?

My area of concentration is in Museum Studies. I want to pursue my research in using Social Media for rural museums to connect with the Millennial generation.

3. Describe your knowledge and use of technology systems.

Mac and HP are the two computers I am the most familiar with. I don’t really prefer one over the other.  It just depends on the project and the presentation format. I am an Iphone lady  as far as smart phones go because my family uses Facetime app a lot. Tablets are very easy to operate and portable. I would love to get one but it will have to wait for the time being.   My three year old son, Danny, can probably operate all of these better than me. Scanners, printers, cameras, and video I have experience as well. Before I was an Art History student. They were used for school projects and kick starting the first Art History Society for Montana State. I was majoring in Graphic Design and changed my major when I was a sophomore. My experiences has made me very excited for the class and ready to start going in-depth in these programs.

4. What software do you commonly use? Briefly describe purpose/application for software on your list.

There have been many database systems, sites, code, etc that I have used in the past few years. Photoshop, InDesign, and Acrobate were used to help design advertisements for the Art History Society and a new logo for a company called Moose Troop. In high school I was practicing making my own be E portfolio using my own code in CSS. (I will not show it though. It is extremely outdated.)

5. Do you have any graphic design or media production/management experience? Have you taken any graphic design or media production courses?

I studied Graphic Design for two years and I helped my uncle’s little league football team design a new logo. They were the Lil’ Hornets and we made T-shirts for the parents.

6. Know anything about typography?

I still have a book on typography and took a class while I was studying Graphic Design. I remember an assignment were students had to create our own font using an object. I used a rubber ducky which was very difficult. Then, we made a poster/book  out of the lettering. Ha Ha, my book was a bath time song from Sesame Street. It was a great time.

7. Do you use Web 2.0 apps? Name those that you use or are familiar with.

Yes. Everyday. I am most familiarized with Adobe. Again, I have used it for various projects in school and for my last professional position at Start West Satellite.

8. Do you use Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Yelp, etc.)? Name those that you engage in.

I use Facebook and LinkedIn mostly for Social Media. My favorite place on the web to get ideas is Pinterest. It is were I got an idea for my centerpieces at my wedding. It is common to see Pinterest ideas around my house because I use them to decorate different rooms. Other social media pages I am familiar with but I don’t spend a lot of time with them. Yelp, I ]use to get references for services.

9. Tell me something unique about yourself.

I like peanut butter on my pancakes and Oreos. What can I say, I like my protein.

10. Anything else?

I like to joke and have fun while I learn.  Also, I like inspirational quotes y Dr. Seuss. He is my number one favorite Doctor. Second is Dr. Pepper.  I’ll end on one of his quotes.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Suess “Happy Birthday to You!”



Halley Perry

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