Artifact #5 Aesthetics Of Horror

The Aesthetics Of Horror


The objectives of my fifth artifact are:

  • Explore the psychological and emotional curiosity for and impact of horror art on individuals and society
  • Analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of horror art
  • Understand and utilize some basic principles of film and television analysis


While reading different articles on horror, I was able to learn about the psychological and emotional curiosity surrounding horror.  When I stopped and thought about it for a second, horror art is a very odd concept to me.  It’s violent, scary, and overall represents something unusually unpleasant yet people enjoy engaging in it.
After completing this assignment I was able to understand that horror appeals to individuals in a psychological way.  In an article by Margarita Tartakovsky she states that, “when people watch frightening films, their heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increases.  After the film is over, this physiological arousal lingers” (Tartakovsky).  This statement really made me realize that a big part of why people enjoy horror is because of the physical and physiological impacts horror has on an individual’s body.

After watching the episode of Buffy I was able to observe and analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of horror art and understand some basic principles of film and television.  By watching this episode of Buffy I was able to connect the unique aesthetics of horror to the psychological affects that they have on individuals.  In Noel Carroll’s article “Why Horror?” she discusses what makes horror appealing to individuals.  She says that, “it is not the tragic event in itself that imparts pleasure, but rather, the way it is worked into the plot” (pg. 277 Carroll).  This really  made the think about how the the story of a scary movie is a big reason for why we are attracted to horror art.  This also made me think about how horror films have a unique set of characteristics to their plot that contribute to their attractiveness.  Qualities of horror such diegetic, non-diegetic, and mise en scene are unique qualities that make horror the way they are.  These qualities made me realize that it is not the scary grotesque events that may be attracting an audience, but really how the events are put into a film in order to create something appealing.


Future Goals:

In the future I want to be more aware of the psychological affects that horror has on me as an individual.  After learning about why horror is appealing I want to continue to be aware of those reasons when engaging in horror art.  I also want to continue to observe changes in horror over time.  I am curious to see if the aesthetics to horror change at all as time passes, or if the will always continue to be the same.


Carroll, N. (2002). Why Horror?. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (Eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., pp. 275-294). New York, NY: Routledge.

Tartakovsky, M. (n.d.). » Why Some People Love Horror Movies While Others Hate Them – World of Psychology. Psych Retrieved May 12, 2014,

Main Page

Artifact #1 Values

Artifact #2 What Is Art?

Artifact #3 Food As Art

Artifact #4 Personal Adornment

Artifact #5 Aesthetics Of Horror

Artifact #6 Creative Spirituality

Artifact #7 Technology

Artifact #8 Remixing



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