I believe that spirituality is something that comes from within a person. It is a certain kind of beliefs. I think that a person’s spirituality is their own personal set of beliefs about a higher power, or lack there of a higher power. It is their explanation of why things are the way things are in the world. Spirituality is how a person transforms within their bodies, and in their minds. Being spiritual means that a person in connecting with their physical spirit and soul and ignoring the impacts that physical objects have on their lives.
Spirituality has some similarities to religion but they are different. I believe that if you are religious you are spiritual, but to be spiritual you do not necessarily have to be religious. If you have religious beliefs then those are also your spiritual beliefs. Many people have spiritual beliefs that do not coincide exactly with a certain religion’s beliefs. Religions almost always believe in a higher power of some sort, but to be spiritual you can believe in other things besides God.
Creativity is being able to come up with ideas. These ideas can be physical or just imaginary. I often associate the word ¨creativity¨ with artistic. I think many artists have creative minds, that is they are able to come up with original ideas of some sort and create some sort of physical object that expressive a creative idea. Creativity is a way to express one’s imagination and original ideas. These ideas are then considered to be valuable or important to others.
I think that the source of creativity comes from multiple things. I think that creativity often comes from the experiences that a person has in their life. As we read in this weeks reading, creativity can also come from a person’s spiritual beliefs. I do not believe that there is one specific way to describe the source of spirituality, I believe the sources are unlimited and vary from person to person. The source of creativity can also be both physical, or it can just be an idea. Someone could see something that could strike creativity within them, or they could also engage in a conversation or read a book that could strike creativity within them. There is no way source of creativity.