week 5
Jones, Peter. 1999. “Building the Empire of The Gaze: The Modern Movement and the Surveillance Society.” Architectural Theory Review 4 (2): 1–14.
Modern Movement and Surveillance
Article Summary: As a society, we have attached to this need to hold power; Power over the environment, power over politics, and power over one another. We have inhabited a disciplinary society and as a result, we use surveillance to exercise this. There is...
Surveillance Strategies at Whole Foods Market
Summary In this week's reading, the author claims that we live in a "surveillance" society, where surveillance tools are often installed in the architecture around us, in order to maintain control over us. Peter explores this relationship between architecture and...
The Transparent Gaze: Day & Night Boba Tea
In “Building the Empire of the Gaze: The Modern Movement and the Surveillance Society,” Peter Jones explores the ways in which the Modern Movement, a cultural and architectural movement that began in the early 20th century, contributed to the development of the...
Modern Surveillance at Meraki Coffee & Co.
In his article “Building the Empire of Gaze”, Peter Jones details the involvement architecture has in disciplinary power. He specifically focuses on the role the Modernist Movement plays in the development of the surveillance society. First, it is important to...
Surveillance Strategies Implemented into Meraki Coffee Co.
In Building the Empire of The Gaze: The Modern Movement and the Surveillance Society, Peter Jones discusses how the Modern Movement is a society that has systematically grown to be centralized around a strong desire for visibility and in-turn, led to a...
Watchful Eyes: The overseers of Whole Foods Market
Reading Summary: Peter describes the connection between architecture and the position of power, through the modern movement and its attributes. Specifically, he highlights the impact of the relationship between vision and the aspect of power through a design...
Surveillance in Society
Summery: The reading, Building With The Gaze, talks about the age of surveillance. The idea of surveillance was introduced when Foucault designed a prison. He designed the prison where the prisoners were under constant supervision. He believes that the power...
Through The Eyes of Modern Design
Through The Eyes of Modern Design Reading Summary Vision is one of our human senses that I feel is taken most for granted. As a designer, my work would become increasingly complex if this singular sense were to diminish, and even more so if it were stripped...
Surveillance: for Control or Safety?
Summary In "Building the Empire of The Gaze: The Modern Movement and the Surveillance Society," by Peter Jones, it goes in depth to how there was a relation between modern architecture and the use of surveillance in society. He argues that the way modernist...
Mordernism into the Modern Boba house
The article “Building the Empire of The Gaze: The Modern Movement and the Surveillance Society" explains the connection between modern architecture and the idea of surveillance in society. As technology advanced, new building techniques and styles emerges. Glass...
Seeing Without Being Seen (Life Surveillance):
Foucault describes the Panopticon in his infamous book Discipline and Punish (1975). The Panopticon is a design approached for modern prisons that was modeled by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. However, Foucault expresses how modernist designers embraced...