This bench outside the Union on Broadway Apartments is hostile design that specifically targets the unhoused population.  Although the metal armrests seem to conveniently create two individual seats from the bench, they also prevent someone who may be unhoused from lying down across it and using the bench as a place to sleep.  The armrest element in the middle of the bench is really what makes the design hostile.  The armrests on each end may make it more difficult for someone to comfortably lay across the bench but doesn’t make it impossible.  Including an additional element in the middle of the bench fully prevents anyone from comfortably laying across it.  This strategy is being used to discourage the unhoused from hanging around the nice apartment building and potentially making people who live there feel unsafe.

Bench including hostile design outside of Union on Broadway Apartments.

Bench including hostile design outside of Union on Broadway Apartments.

Diagram of bench highlighting elements of hostile design.

Diagram of bench highlighting elements of hostile design.