
Hostile architecture is commonly found throughout the cityscape of Eugene. With a large unhoused population, the city, and many private business owners are anxious to remove any traces of homeless people from their sites. Since constant surveillance is costly and prone to error, examples of hostile architecture has been implemented to act as a deterrent to the majority of the unhoused population. Though some examples are more prevalent than others, such as spikes placed under cover, many instances go unnoticed as they shield themselves behind aesthetic or functional use.

Design 1:
This image shows surrounding context of the hostile architecture bench.

This image shows surrounding context of the hostile architecture bench.

This image clearly shows the bench with an arm rest dividing the space preventing the unhoused people from sleeping under shelter.

This image clearly shows the bench with an arm rest dividing the space preventing the unhoused people from sleeping under shelter.

This image shows the plan view of the bench and how the armrest is located in the middle on the right of the bench. There is no way around the armrest for a sleeping person.

This image shows the plan view of the bench and how the armrest is located in the middle on the right of the bench. There is no way around the armrest for a sleeping person.

This image shows the section view of the bench clearly indicating the armrest that divides the space.

This image shows the section view of the bench clearly indicating the armrest that divides the space.


The benches at the EMX Dad’s Gate station are good examples of hidden hostile design. In the middle of the benches are tall arm rests that are seldom used by the average bus rider. Instead the main purpose is to divide the bench up preventing homeless people from laying down to sleep at night under the shelter of the bus stop. The goal is meant to prevent loitering and gathering around the bus stop by unhoused people creating a “safer” and more welcoming environment for the remaining population. This architecture divides the population and clearly shows who is valued in this space.