boulder is in front of a multi-unit apartment building in the right-of-way space between the sidewalk and the road

boulder is in front of a multi-unit apartment building in the right-of-way space between the sidewalk and the road

The first image is of a large boulder I came across while walking between campus and 20th Ave in Eugene. The boulder is in the right-of-way space between the sidewalk and the road in front of a multi-unit apartment building. This area, I assume, is public property and is frequently occupied by the unhoused population because it is usually easily accessible, open, and close to commonly used resources by the unhoused population, such as food pantries. Tents are frequently used by unhoused people as their primary form of protection from the elements. The placement of this large boulder exposes them to harsh weather conditions by preventing them to set up tents, increasing the risk of weather-related sickness. Furthermore, the lack of a safe and private environment could increase stress and anxiety, contributing to mental health issues in those that are already the most vulnerable

diagram showing a boulder in relationship to a road, sidewalk, and yard in plan

diagram showing a boulder in relationship to a road, sidewalk, and yard in plan