In Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler’s If the Chair Fits: Sexism in American Office Furniture Design, Buhler discusses and analyzes many topics in regards to office furniture and the impact of sexism on furniture design in America. The main points of consideration and examples brought to the reader’s attention in the text are the issues of gender issues throughout history, the male-centric mindset in furniture design, implications that can be a result of sexist design, and finally, the reiterating and promotion of gender stereotypes. These issues are discussed in a way that highlights the importance in changing the sexist mindset that drives the workplace’s design and furniture through bringing attention to the bias that has played a major role in the designing of the workplace. The main argument in this reading is to bring attention to the issue of sexism – in both the workspace and the workplace furnishings – in an effort to promote ergonomic design with more consideration to how to be inclusive and accommodating to everyone (regardless of gender).
In the University of Oregon’s Knight Library, the seating and other furnishings show the heavy importance of promoting comfort and inclusivity in the space’s design. Throughout the Knight Library, many different types of seating and desk spaces accommodate many different preferences for studying and working. There are many individual study desks connected with privacy dividers between them throughout the entire building. As well as the areas to work individually, there are many different design elements and furnishings that promote collaborative working and/or studying. These spaces vary from all sorts of different tables with 2+ seats in the main, common spaces, as well as many individual study rooms that vary in size and functions within. These larger tables in the main library spaces and the study rooms function and can accommodate both individual or group studying. The seating is much comfier and has a much larger variety in the Knight Library than other buildings on campus. As you move throughout the library, you encounter many different sized tables and chairs, different spaces to study with different accommodations and atmospheres, and people using the space in many different ways. There is also a large variety of different seating and tables to choose from based on your needs and preferences. In my opinion, I believe that the Knight Library heavily centers around promoting inclusivity and accommodating many different types of users.