This article talks about the discrimination of furniture within gender. They mention the different chair types that are distributed throughout the office. Women are associated with being secretaries in an office, unfortunately, and their chairs are a lot smaller and have a floating back which is assuming a small woman would sit there with her body perched up. Designers were creating the look of a piece of furniture based on genders. They were thinning about the stereotypes and trying to personalize each stereotype. One could look at this two ways: one being that they are conforming to the stereotypes, and another being that they were making diverse pieces of furniture. Still to this day there are significant assumptions in the designs of chairs and which genders they belong to. 


Beer Garden showcases a use of creating gender neutral sitting areas, at least for the outdoors. They made all the tables picnic tables, so the chairs that are being sat on are just benches. Picnic tables were a design that can be seen as gender neutral and opens up the door to being more diverse. The benches that are seen through cities also are benches, which is stereotypically where the unhoused sleep. I find this interesting because there is a community of people working to make benches and chairs diverse and useful for everyone, and then there is another group of people who are creating certain limitations on the benches so that the unhoused can not use the bench for their desired function. There is always going to be some problem and or something that needs to be changed in a design, unfortunately there may not be a way to create something that is applicable to all communities in the world.