The article expressed the similarities between the design of modern architecture and design
forms of surveillance societies. The main belief of the author is how the author is arguing that
modern architectural design and the conditions for the comparison of the surveillance state. The
article expresses the growth of modern architecture and what details to create these forms with
details from modern architectural design. Architects in the modern architectural idea uses
various materials such as glass, concrete, and steel to express open space and buildings being
able to be seen from multiples views as well as angles. The focal point within the article of
modern design is transparency within in the design through glazing and the importance of
connection from the outside within to the interior. The author also expresses modern
architecture in the ride of the welfare state. Modern architecture was the prominent form of
design during the welfare state. Used to create the design of public housing and other forms of
institutions. Modern architecture is a prominent role for creating what society knows today as a
surveillance society. It is important to understand how connecting our physical lives to the world
around us shapes us.
The John E Jaqua Center architectural design is a modernist-style building located at the
University of Oregon and supports student-athletes. The building was completed in 2010
relating to the article based upon the modernist design. The design features a mass amount of
glazing and the exterior wall are all primarily glazing. The interior visibility provides the
opportunity for surveillance and includes a central atrium connecting the surrounding private
spaces for the use of the building. The building includes modernist ideals of sustainability. Th6e
sustainably features were completed with a green roof feature as well as a rainwater system,
and energy-efficient forms of lighting. The Jaqua Center of design also reflect the historical trend
while also including contemporary trends that follow within architecture. The building design
intention was to use a form of the flow of water and transition into the glazing of the building
design to bring together the exterior and interior. This type of design form is one of the
prominent designing forms of modern architecture design from detailing within the article. The
article expresses forms of material that are used within modern architectural design one being
glazing and overall glazing is the primary use of material for the John E Jaqua Center