Located on the corner of 13th Avenue and High Alley, this quaint house is the home to a local independent music shop: House of Records. The shop has been open since 1971 and celebrates 50+ years of music and culture. The store has everything a music enthusiast could dream of, from LPs to cassettes to CDs and even movies. This music store is clearly designed to welcome a broad and diverse range of people. Whether your buying your first record, a collector, or even visiting Eugene for the first time this local business supports all your media needs. It also houses an excellent variety of music and caters to all types of listeners. The colorful, creative interior is playful and fun, which further evokes their welcoming, supportive attitude. The shop is easy to navigate through and the various music collections are organized to best support all different kinds of buyers. Its lively decor and retro feel creates a unique aesthetic only a local record shop could successfully achieve.
Longitude: -123.08881
Latitude: 44.04535
A photograph of the interior when you first walk into the shop.
A photograph of the main signage outside the shop.
Perspective from the back room of the shop.