541 Sushi Bar is located on the corner of Pearl Street and Broadway here in Downtown Eugene, Oregon. This sushi restaurant provides a cozy space for family and friends to enjoy Japanese Quisean. The building is a part of a complex as other businesses do share the building, but the bar’s entrance is located on the east side of the building facing Pearl Street. Personally, I like to drive to this location, however, others may like to walk or even take the bus. I normally visit after the sun has set, but many enjoy working at a booth while having lunch.

In the interior of the building, there are seats places around a central rotating bar as well as tables and chairs set up along the outer edges of the building making for great access to all exits. There are large windows allowing for great natural sunlight and cool nighttime views as well. The vibes of this building are quite relaxing as wood and dark red tones are used. However, the style of the interior is not aesthetic in any way and no consistent patterns are used.

541 Sushi Bar (Exterior)

Exterior of the restaurant alongside Pearl Street facing east.

541 Sushi Bar (Interior1)

Interior of the restaurant facing west as you enter the building.

541 Sushi Bar (Interior 2)

Interior of the restaurant facing south looking out onto Broadway Street.

44 03′ 00.52″ N 123 05′ 23.42″ W