Building Name: Farmers Union Coffee Roasters

Description: Farmers Union Coffee Roasters is a coffee shop in Eugene, Oregon. They ground coffee and make various foods. The building is at  152 W. 5th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401, across from the plant shop Down to Earth. You can drive or walk to it, although it is a pretty far walk from campus. The space is generally easy to move around in, but it is meant for sitting, drinking, eating, and conversing. They have several seating areas, and the store is fairly big, welcoming many people, specifically students. The store contains wooden furniture, lots of neutral colors, and the main attraction: a giant pink coffee grinder. They create patterns with the wood seen on the ceiling and countertop. The ceilings have a lot of woodwork and wooden beams. The space is intended for studying, hanging out with friends, interviews, and generally socializing. They make the space inviting and calming with neutral colors, lots of greenery, and a comfortable amount of space to be in.