GE Workload Form

Faculty Supervisor Information

Supervisor Name
Supervisor Name

GE Information

GE Name
GE Name

GE Assignment Information

Weekly Activities (W1-10)

Please list each activity the GE will perform, along with how many hours per week (10 total weeks). Finals week will have it’s own section. If there are sub-supervisors, please list their names in each duties section.

Finals Week Activities

Please list each activity the GE will perform, along with how many hours per week.

Other Activities

Please list each additional activities that GEs will be performing. These will be calculated as TOTAL hours over the term. If there are specific dates that a GE will be needed, please be sure to include it in the duties.

Total Hours

This is the summary of total hours that you have inputted. The numbers will auto populate.

This number should match the # of hours over the whole term.


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