Google Earth Tips from Lindsay:

When working on your Google Earth document, it is important to
understand that the computer you are working from (whether at school or
on your personal laptop) will save any changes or updates you are making
on the document as you go when you click File then Save. So, if you
close Google Earth and come back later to open it up on the same
computer, you will see that your changes have been saved. HOWEVER, you
MUST REPLACE the entire kmz file when you are done making your changes,
otherwise if you try to open the document up on another computer it will
not show any of the additions or changes you may have made. When you are
ready to export your kmz file to a thumb-drive or email, re-save your
entire Google Earth folder. To do this you can highlight the entire
Google Earth folder for your project and right click. Then click “Save
Place As…”. I recommend renaming the folder so you know it is your
final folder ready to be exported or emailed.

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